How to Get the Most Value from Contract Security Staff Getting maximum benefit from contract security guards requires investing in their success. Here are tips for security companies...
Security Guard Duties: What to Expect When hiring security guards for your business or property, it’s important to understand their typical duties and responsibilities. This allows you to determine...
What Security Guards Can’t Do: Understanding the Limits While security guards provide invaluable protection services, there are legal and practical limits on their roles and capabilities. Understanding what guards...
Why Use Security Guards on Your Site? In today’s uncertain world, security threats can arise when you least expect them. From cyberattacks to workplace violence to theft, businesses face...
How to Write a High-Quality Security Incident Report As a security guard, one of your most important duties is documenting any security incidents that occur during your shift through...
The Importance of Communication and Teamwork In Security Work Security work is a critical component of maintaining safety and security in public and private settings. In this line of...
Tips for Dealing with Aggressive Behaviour and Verbal Abuse: A Guide for Security Guards As a security guard, you are often at the forefront of dealing with various situations,...
Why Hire A Student Accommodation Security Guard Student accommodations can be a hub for a variety of activities, both academic and social. Unfortunately, this often comes with security challenges...
What are Security Guards Allowed to do? As a security guard you are hired by businesses often for two reasons; to prevent threats such as theft and vandalism, and...
Tips to Improve Your Residential Security Moving into a new home can be both an exciting and also a very anxious period, but to get that true sense of...